+971 4 3460931

About AKMG Emirates

Officially launched in December 2003, AKMG EMIRATES is the Association of Medical and Dental Graduates of Kerala (India) origin, practicing in the United Arab Emirates. AKMG Emirates aims to maintain and preserve the identity and heritage of its members and to provide them forum for scientific, educational, cultural and social interaction. AKMG Emirates is associated with AKMG USA and focus on further expansion of its activities through associations and collaborations.

AKMG Emirates was conceived in the great minds of a handful of pioneers who crossed the oceans, fought adversities including cultural and racial barriers and had the vision to found our proud organization. The current AKMG leadership and senior leaders over the past few years have strived hard to bring in the young and dynamic members to participate in AKMG activities and leadership. AKMG Emirates is aware of its role in today's society and strives to do the best for a healthy future.

Our Activities

Continuing Medical Education

Continued Medical Education is one of the core programs of AKMG where members update their skills & knowledge for a better future.

Humanitarian Activities

As a organization with medical professionals, we are always into several humanitarian activities as and when needed in the society.

Insurance Schemes

We provide insurance programs and schemes for our members and their families for an affordable healthcare and security.

Family Events

AKMG Emirates and its regions regularly conduct family get-togethers, where the members can meet, mingle, interact in an atmosphere of
relaxation and camaraderie.
Variety entertainments, party games and sports activities are organized
to encourage the artistic and athletic talents of members, spouses and children. Getting to know each other and developing close friendships is seen by many as the main objective of these gatherings.

Sports Day

This is an event very enthusiastically organized and participated by members and their families in fun filled and healthy competitive spirits. Various sports activities include Athletics, Volleyball, Cricket, Badminton, Swimming, Throwball, tug of war, Shotput, Tennikoit
etc among others.

AKMG Directory & Medical Journals

The AKMG Directory, containing the professional and personal data of all members, along with their contact details has become an integral part of
the members' lives. It is a
table top, ready reference tool, which helps clinicians to refer needy patients to the best specialists
promptly, adding a personal touch.
AKMG Emirates brings out a medical journal
authored by its members at regular intervals.
This journal is widely read by physicians in UAE and is recognized by bodies like the Dubai Health Authority and Rashid Medical Library, Dubai.

Biennial Conventions

AKMG Emirates conducts Bi-ennial Conventions involving its 7 Regions and invites guests from around the world. Members and families from all over the UAE, come together for a full day of
festivities, and cultural & social interaction.The inter emirates talent competition forms the highlight of this gathering, where the Rolling Trophy is passionately fought for by the regions and members.

Our Health Our Wealth Program

Our Health Our Wealth program was launched in 2017 to encourage healthy life style among members and their families through year-long programs including annual health check up, regular mammograms, Pap smear, PSA tests etc wherever indicated, Seminars on healthy life style & Stress Management, BLS and Practical First Aid training, Group yoga and meditation clubs, Seminars on insurance, savings and investments, Health & Sports clubs in all regions, Laughter clubs, Group exercise, Intra- Region and neighboring inter-Region friendly sports competitions, Reading and debating Clubs Region level.

Strengthening Our Bonds

The President's theme for the term 2019-2021, Strengthening Our Bonds is intended to improve friendship and camaraderie among the members of AKMG Emirates. The inter-regional and intra-regional family meetings will be promoted. The ladies wing activities in the regions shall be planned under the leadership of the family activity committee.

Happiness in Togetherness- President’s Theme

Happiness in Togetherness: President’s Theme 2021-2023 Goal of this theme - every member and their families should be happy- together! During the last one-year the Covid 19 pandemic has given us lots of lessons which taught us the importance of maintaining positive attitude & happiness, caring & an attitude of helping each other. Happiness will help to promote health and wellbeing as well as bonding. Being a member of AKMG emirates – wherever we go we should leave a mark of happiness - others should remember us with good memories.

At The Helm Over The Years- AKMG

Present and Past Presidents, Secretary Generals and Treasurers of AKMG Emirates.